The past quarter, or so, has been exceedingly lousy. Shit, the past few years have boasted a steady decline in which each weeks has, more or less, been worse than the week that preceded it. As a result I haven't posted much of late, I'm a bitter, angry and generally miserable person, but I derive no joy from making others unhappy (if I did then I'd likely be better off) so I see no point in posting nothing but a bunch of bitching and complaining. I don't mind pointing out something shitty, but I don't enjoy just plain ol' bitchin'. Thus the silent blog. I've been unable to think of anything positive (or at least funny) to post.
That said - it's Thanksgiving again!
As I've said since I can remember, I'm not thankful for shit. The vast majority of my problems come from having been born wrong, that is having nothing of consequence in common with those who make my decisions for me. So I'm not going to sift through the life for which I am the placeholder looking for each little nugget that doesn't suck and then pretend to be "thankful" for them. I have nothing that I haven't earned entirely on my own and nothing that isn't out-weighed by the negative aspects of my existence which are almost always a direct result of an outside force. So, fuck "thankful".
Tomorrow is feast day!
Christina makes a massive traditional Thanksgiving dinner and we feast. It is usually a pleasant day with great food and if I drink enough (and I usually do) I can shut down my brain enough to stop thinking, momentarily, about the countless things beyond my control that deprive me of life, liberty, justice and the pursuit of happiness. It's usually a good day and it is a good thing.
If anyone is still reading this blog - have a safe and happy Thanksgiving, however you think about it.